A Beginner's Guide To Automated Regression Testing

What is Automated Regression Testing?

Automated regression is a method of testing software after it's been updated with new code and features.

Automation is often used within the regression testing technique to automate the use of workflows and scripts.

Automated regression testing is often conducted by conducting preliminary research on the software test criteria, the test strategy, and the modifications that have been made or planned to make to the product and its functionality.

Automated regression tests cover many workflows. They include checking the processes to make sure that the software is correctly compiled following an update, assimilation testing, and identifying any functional errors. Supporting services are also checked to determine if there were any problems during the update.

Regression tests can be repeated several times in order to find problems with the build. This ensures that every test case is fully validated and everything is working as expected.

How to automate regression testing?

It is important to ensure that regression testing was done correctly and that all results and tests are properly documented. Automating the regression testing process is vital. It allows for time savings at various stages of the test process, such as regression testing, documentation, and any other analyses.

Automated jobs often take less time than manual operations and produce better results.

Bqurious allows you to save time and money by streamlining your automated regression testing. Perfecto has many benefits such as parallel testing which speeds up testing time, sophisticated test reports (so that you can find and correct problems through root cause analysis), rich artifacts (which can be used to support more complex automation cases), and rich reporting.

Bqurious allows high-velocity automated regression testing. This includes testing on virtual devices as well as real iPhones, Android phones, and other web browsers.

This ensures that your app runs smoothly on all devices and platforms.

Bqurious allows you to simply create the test cases, and they will run automatically. To quickly find problems in your code or build, you can easily repeat them.

Automated regression testing challenges:

You may need to reconsider your automation plans even if you have all the necessary prerequisites. Automation can present some challenges, most often related to maintenance and testing prioritization.

The ever-expanding regression test suite:

As new features are added, QA engineers will need to test their behavior during final testing. These new features will eventually become the core functionality. You risk having too many test cases and not enough reusable or laconic ones.

Test suite maintenance:

Revisions are an obvious part of a test suite. It can be quite difficult to decide on cases and scenarios that will automate, delete scripts that don't work anymore, and replace old tests. Automating more means that we need to maintain it. Automating takes too long can cause automation to lose its effectiveness.

Automation too often:

This is automation for the sake and automation, as we mentioned before. The team should not strive for maximum coverage. Instead, the team should be able to focus on high-risk areas and create good tests for these features. Tests should be run at least five more times in order to achieve ROI.

Read More: Automated App Testing On Mobile Devices

How to set up the testing procedure?

The problems won't appear right away. Before you begin to select cases for regression or test suite maintenance, there are some things that you need to know. We won't get into too much detail and will only outline the essential steps.

Analyze software modifications and how they impact existing functionality.

Prepare the strategy for manual testing.

You can choose test cases for the automation of the regression test suite.

Define the programming languages which you wish to use.

Pick the tools that will automate your life.

Analyze the past data to determine cost, resource, or time.

You can hire people to plan and automate the training.

Choose frameworks and other supporting tools, if necessary

Write automation scripts. Send them to anyone who is able.

Perform regression tests at various levels (unit, integration, and functional).

How to choose Regression Test Cases?

Make a list of affected areas after each release to determine if automation is worthwhile. You can also prioritize the tests if you don't have enough time to re-run all the regression suites due to deadlines. Automate only the frequently-run tests that are of the highest priority.

Here are some things you should keep in mind while working on the automated test suite.

Prioritize cases based upon their business impact. First, sanity testing, then essential functionalities cases, and finally those with moderate project value.

Include test cases that cover core software functionality, and test cases for bugs that happen repeatedly.

Be open to both positive and neutral tests. Be sure to include both the known fail-safe tests and the known pass-safe ones.

User-facing code should be tested as errors can be detected by users immediately. This is unlike invisible failures that may not be visible.

Examine for domain bugs and edge cases.

Then, you can categorize the tested cases as obsolete, repetitive, or reusable. Add test cases for new critical functionality.

How to Perform Automation Regression Testing?

Regression testing is multi-layered due to its high technical complexity and coverage. This step-by-step guide will help you approach regression testing and integrate automation into your workflow.

Software change analysis -- At this stage, a developer determines which system component will need to be changed and how much.

Software change impact analysis. This stage examines the impact of software changes on the system. It includes identifying all affected systems and estimating the damage that may be caused.

The building of a regression testing strategy. This stage is where the testing team describes the process step-by. Here's an example of a regression testing strategy:

1) Gather test data

2) Estimate the time it will take to complete test cases.

3) automate test cases;

4) Perform tests

5) report;

6) iteration.

The creation of a test suite: This stage is where QA specialists create automated tests. Later, the regression test automation engineer creates scripts to be executed in the scripted language selected by the team.

Regression testing: When performing automated tests, prioritize cases and evaluate the reusability of test modules. It is important to test frequently and to set up flexible reporting systems.

Reporting. Reporting: Developers must create the metrics and scope of testing to make a summary report. They also need to explain how the testing helped the team reach a goal that was set in the planning stage.

Read More: How to Calculate ROI in Automation Testing?

Regression testing automated:

Regression testing must cover all aspects of the system in order to provide an objective and detailed view of a project's functionality. It's important to have a set of procedures to be followed for each session.

Performance lab makes sure that our testing workflow follows these principles:

A regression pack is updated regularly. A regression pack is basically a collection that contains all of the tests run by a company when a new code version is released. A regression pack should be kept up-to-date in order to ensure that a test suite is compatible with the new app version.

Re-run the successful cases: Many teams overlook running successful test cases again after a code change. It is possible that the code change that occurred after the initial release could have adversely affected components that had been working flawlessly. This is why it's important to repeat all of the tests, even those that were successful.

You should focus on high-traffic paths: You should prioritize cases that contain frequently visited pages. Before testing other components of the system or moving on to the next, be sure to verify that core interactions and features have been fully tested.

Be data-driven: Data-driven testing is more efficient than ever. This allows developers to create scripts with less code, eliminate redundant code, and store all collected information in a database. Data-driven testing also offers higher insights and numbers.

Diversified automation toolkits are a good idea: This will allow you to increase test coverage, expand your testing options, and make the most of a selected scripted language. 

Note: This content is originally published by this website https://sites.google.com/view/automated-regression-testing/home


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